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Creative Disturbance

Jul 27, 2020

In the second episode of the ArtSciLab Talk Show, host, Maisha Razzaque sits down in a remote skype session with lab member, Jacob Hunwick to discuss his study abroad experience in Marburg, Germany and the launch of the ArtSci Abroad initiative. At Phillips University Marburg, Jacob has been working to research,...

Jul 27, 2020

Juan Castrillón and Kalpana Subramanian discuss the aesthetics of breath. They ask how one might explore non-Western genealogies of breath in connection with notions of subjectivity, affectivity and ‘becoming.’ Juan sheds light on sonic perspectives of dervishes from the Anatolian peninsula drawing on his own...

Jul 25, 2020

"Les archives du présent" est un projet de documentation de la Fondation Zinsou qui consiste, selon sa directrice, à redonner aux africains les moyens de se réapproprier leur histoire. Avant d'y venir, Marie-Cécile Zinsou a bien voulu nous faire part de son point de vue sur les contingences locales qui affectent...

Jul 22, 2020

Filmmaker and Educator Katsitsionni Fox (Mohawk) reflects on growing up in the Akwesasne territories of Northern New York, her new film Without a Whisper, which tells the untold story of how Indigenous women influenced the early suffragettes, and her work as an artist and Indigenous educator.

Jul 18, 2020

Ouvert en 2005 sous l'impulsion de Marie-Cecile Zinsou, la Fondation Zinsou est un musee qui oeuvre a la promotion de l'art contemporain africain. Il est question dans cette premiere partie de l'entretien du statut des arts au Benin, ancien royaume du Dahomey, de leurs rapports avec les formes vivantes, et...